Dr Nor is Senior Expert in fields of Public health, Environmental Health, Climate change adaptation, Public Services Law, Disaster Resilience leader and also overwhelmingly a professional translator with side experiences of more than 35 years.
By qualification, Dr Nor has a stimulating and robust academic background. He is a PhD holder in Peace, Governance and Development awarded by University of Peace, with research area in “Environmental degradation and livelihood Security in Somalia”. MSc in Environmental Epidemiology and policy (EEP) by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). MA in Disaster Resilience Leadership (DRL). BA in Public Services Law and translation by chartered Institute of Linguistics, UK. BSc in Sanitary Science, India, Diploma in Public Health, Somalia.
Occupationally, previously Dean of Faculty of Health Science, Benadir University (BU). Currently, Senior Advisor of environmental and Climate change at BU and Project leader in Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Fragile States through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), jointly implemented by BU and Karolinska Institute (KI), Sweden and School of Public Health, DRC. Besides, Senior lecturer at Somali National University (SNU) & BU in Environmental issues at post graduate center and research studies. Accordingly, he has notably, mentored many researchers and activists in Somalia and has played crucial role in providing capacity building workshops on innovation, poverty reduction with focus on climate change.
Throughout his career, Dr Nor has held esteemed positions at overseas and Somalia as an international advisor, mostly commissioned by renowned organizations such as the NHS (UK), WHO, SIDA, and IOM etc., to technically support public sectors with special focus on Health, Education, legal framework development and professional translation.
Dr Nor had Produced a number of glossaries and has a number of publications in areas of health and education. Remarkably, Dr Nor was a led expert in development of National Health Professional Council (NHPC) Act that was successfully concluded, ratified by both cabinets and finally assented by Somalia president as official legal Doc for MoH.